Saturday, April 7, 2018

Final Product

     Here we are... the final product!
     First, I just want to say that doing this opening film was fantastic and I truly enjoyed it, even if it was a bit of a pain at times. I've come to realize that I really enjoy directing and editing. So much so that I am considering very seriously doing Film Production in college. It's not something I've decided on yet, but I've definitely been thinking about it a whole lot because of this project.

     Anyway, what you're really here for, here is the final product!


     A couple of days ago in class, we had a little group feedback session in groups about our projects. Everyone showed theirs and the rest of the people gave their critiques. I was a little bit nervous because I was the only one in my group doing a film opening. However, I ended up being pleasantly surprised.
     Everyone in the group seemed to like it. The only critique I really got was that the audio was not too good in one particular clip, which just so happens to be one of the ones where I lost the 'good' audio for some strange reason. I can't really fix that and it really does bother me, but c'est la vie, I have to move forward.
     Another comment everyone made, this time positive, was that they really liked how my film opening ended because it was a bit of a cliff hanger. Of course, I know I'm not really being graded on my story but more so on my techniques and planning, etc., but it was still a nice thing to know. What's the use of having a well-produced film if it's boring?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


     I filmed the clip that I wanted with Andrea today and I edited it into my film opening already. That part definitely looks a lot better than before.
     H O W E V E R, I've come to realize that I am low-key self-sabotaging myself. I keep watching the entirety of my film opening at least once a day and being completely anxious about it the more I look at it. I'm picking out small, insignificant flaws that I swear were not there a few days ago. I hate that I do that and I am trying to stop, but I'm being a giant perfectionist with this project.
     I think I'm done. I think. I hope. I'll let you know if I do end up changing anything else (which lets be real I've changed tiny things every single day since I started editing), but for the mean time, I'll leave this as is.

Monday, April 2, 2018


     There is something I realized I had in my head very set, yet I never spoke about it here. Sometimes its a little bit hard to translate all my thoughts into words and to remember to write down every single thing I'm thinking about regarding this film in here. This was the case when it comes to what the whole story is really about. We are left with suspense at the end of my film opening, but if the film continued, we would see exactly what went on. So, spoiler alert, you were warned.
     My film foreshadows what is going to happen after the two lovers separate. One of the dead giveaways is the fact that Luna and Natalia stop corresponding at one point. Another one is the blue hue used in Natalia's adult clips, this is to symbolize the sadness within her now that she is without the love of her life. The clips of grown up Natalia are meant to look like she's speaking to a therapist about the death of her lover. She feels guilty for not being there and saddened by the lost time. 
    Another foreshadowing clue is how the clips of Luna laughing and running have a white vignette around them, because it appears dreamy, like Natalia would think of her deceased lover. She would think of her in a nostalgic and dreamy ("what if?") manner.