Wednesday, April 4, 2018


     I filmed the clip that I wanted with Andrea today and I edited it into my film opening already. That part definitely looks a lot better than before.
     H O W E V E R, I've come to realize that I am low-key self-sabotaging myself. I keep watching the entirety of my film opening at least once a day and being completely anxious about it the more I look at it. I'm picking out small, insignificant flaws that I swear were not there a few days ago. I hate that I do that and I am trying to stop, but I'm being a giant perfectionist with this project.
     I think I'm done. I think. I hope. I'll let you know if I do end up changing anything else (which lets be real I've changed tiny things every single day since I started editing), but for the mean time, I'll leave this as is.

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