Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A New Addition to the Family

     Today in class, we were assigned into small groups of 4 to 5 people and were made to share our progress. I'm not gonna lie, I was freaking out that it was the start of week three and I had yet to start filming. But I was pleased to see that I am not falling behind, everyone else is going at about the same pace as I am.
     So I've made a bit of an outline of my timing.
  • Week one and two - planning and researching
  • Week three - script and storyboard
  • Week four - filming
  • Week five - editing, music, etc.
  • Week six - CCR and minor changes is necessary
     I have other news too! I decided to add one more character to my film opening. I have yet to decide how exactly this character is going to be, but I know that she will be female and hispanic too. That's because I found someone else to be willing to play the part. This is Andrea, my the second and only other character in my film opening.

     Although I don't know what exactly her character is going to be like, I know I want her to be Natalia's girlfriend. I'll figure out the name soon though. By the end of this week I will have a completed script and storyboard, and we will start filming Thursday of next week. We have five hours to film, and I trust that will be enough as there is little dialogue. If we don't finish shooting that day I'm still not very concerned, Spring Break starts that day so we have over a week to find another day to do it.

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